Discipling Community Shepherds

What does it mean to be a discipling community and to shepherd your group?

Intentional learning: Everything we teach is centered around the Gospel. From the questions we ask to the lessons we discuss, the Gospel needs to be clearly represented.

Know their story: You don’t just know their name but what God has done in their lives. This is an ongoing process of learning about those God has called you to shepherd.

Prayer: We are not a church that prays, we are a praying church. Your group prays for each other, the lost, and the church as we attach the gates of hell.

How to pray for them: Your sheep are being attacked by the enemy daily. You are asking the hard questions about the enemy’s attack so you know how to pray for them.

Accountability: Holding each other accountable is necessary for the growth of us spiritually. It allows us to ask and answer tough questions about ourselves and permits others to speak truth into our lives.

Know their next steps: As their shepherd, you can help them discover what their next step could be and lead them toward it. We are asking you not to let your sheep go stagnant in their journey.

Discipleship Assessment

Take this assessment with your group to find out what their next steps are in their journey.

Upcoming Events

We will publish upcoming events that will impact you and your group.

Sermon-Based Lessons

We are afraid to approach God, so we keep our distance when all the power and blessing of God is found in getting close. Jesus Christ is the gate to God’s presence and the sacrifice that gives us the right and gumption to His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. 

Exodus 27:9-19

Lesson (English)
Lesson (Spanish)

We will be a week behind for the next two weeks.

We tend to want to find another way to have a relationship with God besides sacrifice and shedding of blood. We look for a backdoor to heaven by trying to make ourselves good enough for God, hoping to find a way around the bloody, smoky altar of sacrifice. There is no other way for sinners to come into a relationship with a holy God without atonement being made for their sins through the shedding of blood. The Altar was the first thing they saw. It stood in between them and the presence of God, reminding them that sin must be paid for with blood. This is the price of sin since the fall. God instituted it by making the first sacrifice in Genesis 3 to cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness, and God finished it by sending Jesus to pay for sin once for all on the altar of the cross. Through belief in the gospel, we can now enter into a relationship with God forever.

Lesson (English)
Lesson (Spanish)

This week’s sermon-based lesson will look in more detail about the veil and Holy of Holies. Please make sure to take notes of the sermon if you would like to discuss the Bronze Altar this week with your group.

Exodus 26:31-35

Lesson (English)
Lesson (Spanish)

We think experiencing God is something reserved for the elite rather than something attainable by all people through Jesus. The gospel teaches us that because of Jesus breaking the veil of the temple, God is now attainable to all through him.

Exodus 26:1-37

Lesson (English)
Lesson (Spanish)

We live in darkness because we don’t seek or depend on the light that Jesus Christ can bring us. God is our source of true and pure light, and until we learn to trust in His light, we will never experience the knowledge, blessing, and healing His light brings.

Exodus 25:31-40; Gen 2:8-12; Rev 21:1-4; 22-27

Lesson (English)
Lesson (Spanish)

We work endlessly trying to provide for our own needs because we fail to recognize God as the provider who has provided everything. God is our provider who loves us and provides for all our needs, the most important being fellowship with himself.

Exodus 25:23-30

Lesson (English)
Lesson (Spanish)

We don’t realize the blessing of God’s presence nor the means of how to secure it, so we live anemic, powerless, sin-filled lives when we should have power, influence, and abundance. Christ’s blood covers over our sin on the mercy seat so God’s holy presence can empower us to live in all the fullness of God’s blessings.

Lesson (English)
Lesson (Spanish)

Additional Shepherd Material

How to videos for One Church

Learn some of the things you can do with One Church

Church Reading Plan

Follow along with the church as we read through the Bible in a year

Serve Opportunities

Great place to start when looking for a place to serve


Ready for your Discipling Community to be sent missionally

Movie Kit

Invite neighbors to come watch a movie on your front lawn

Facebook Group

Join our Facebook Community

Bless Every Home

Great tool to pray for your neighbors

Archived Sermon-based Lessons

Looking for a lesson from earlier this year

Marvin Schaefer

Discipleship Pastor

Maureen Evans

Discipleship Formation Director

Chance Coleman

Discipleship Associate Pastor

Dorothy Stapleton

Executive Assistant

Shaina Rios

College Associate

Contact Us!

We are here to serve you as you shepherd others! Let us know how we can help by filling out the short form below.