Fall 2024 Classes

Each semester new classes begin – ranging from learning how to pray, bible studies, missions training, recovery ministry, parenting, adoption/foster care support, and many more! And whether it’s finding support in your marriage or creating a successful plan to overcoming addiction, come find a welcoming community ready to help you move forward through the grace of Jesus.

Equip to Disciple Classes
Larger groups of people who are being equipped with a skill or discipline to be disciple-makers in their community.

Romans led by Rick Adams
Perspectives: Missional Discipleship Course
Mujeres Firmes en Cristo led by Arlene Sanabria (Español Only)

Equip for Marriage Classes
For married couples or those who are looking to get married that want to strengthen their relationship and learn how to better communicate, resolve conflict, and grow in intimacy. Re|Engage
UNIDOS: Equipamiento para Parejas

Support Groups
Safe, confidential groups of people that provide a Christ-centered process to help people move forward and find healing when life gets hard.

Grief Share
“Re:build” for Men
“Rescued” for Women
Families Count – email ebenton@fielder.org
Counseling Referrals

Questions? Please contact discipleship@fielder.org