Over and over in Scripture we see how God pursues the broken, marginalized, and vulnerable in society. The clearest picture we have of this is God sending His one and only Son to pursue us in our brokenness. On Sunday, April 30th we will have a whole service devoted to talking about Foster Care, God’s heart for the vulnerable, and how we can care for foster children in our community.

During each service, we will have a panel of special guests who will speak about foster care from different perspectives! We will have foster parents, agency workers, & volunteers all share about how we, as the church, can come around foster children in our community.

Ready to step into foster care & adoption? Contact our Foster Care & Adoption Pastor, adoption@fielder.org, or fill out this quick form & we’ll follow up with you!

**Disclaimer: During the service, we will talk about the trauma & brokenness that happens in a child’s life when they are in foster care. We understand these may be sensitive topics for children in foster care, or who used to be in foster care, and may be triggering. Please use discretion when attending this service. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Foster Care & Adoption Pastor Erin Benton at adoption@fielder.org