“In the year 2026, we will adopt & invest in 10 local schools with more than 500 volunteers.” 

Would prayerfully consider becoming a Kids Hope Mentor?

On January 28th we’re celebrating 10 years of being a part of the Kids Hope program!

We believe that one simple thing can make a big difference in the life of an at-risk child – mentoring. We partner with an organization called Kids Hope USA that gives us a platform to mentor children in our local schools. As the body of Christ, we understand what it means to be faithful, caring, and share unconditional love and we can show that to a child in one of our local schools.

We are asking you to become a mentor to one elementary student, and one school, and meet with them for one hour each week.

Apply to become a mentor by going to www.fielder.org/kidshope or going to the Kids Hope table in the lobby of the campus you attend on January 28th.