November is Missions Month at Fielder!

November 3rd is Serve the City. We are partnering with Children’s Hunger Fund to pack 15,000 Food Paks for children & families that live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Children’s Hunger Fund is an organization that equips churches with Food Paks so church volunteers can reach out to those in their community and build meaningful relationships. All campuses will meet at 9:30am at the Pioneer Campus for a brief message, worship, and then to pack food boxes together. 

November 10th is Stand Sunday. On Stand Sunday, we will be hearing God’s heart for all the ways His people are to stand for, with, together, and by the fatherless, vulnerable, birth, unborn, the adoptive, the foster, and the kinship families. Our prayer is that we will all be challenged to walk in new ways of obedience both as individuals and a church body as we seek to live out His commands.

November 17th is Sending Sunday. Just as a deep breath naturally leads to an exhale, when we inhale the gospel message, the Spirit creates a compulsion to go and make disciples of all nations. Acts 1:8 emphasizes that the Spirit empowers us to be His witnesses. Our motivation to reach the nations isn’t based in amusement, adventure, or fun. In fact, there are many risks and costs to going. Yet, we still go because we have been transformed by the gospel and empowered by the Holy Spirit to reach those who have not yet heard. There are so many ways for you to go and different people groups to engage with. God uses every ‘yes,’ so would you be open to putting your ‘yes’ on the table despite the costs to wherever God calls you?

November 24th is Unreached People Groups Sunday. Don’t miss author and missiologist Nik Ripken as we host him for an emphasis on Unreached Unengaged People Groups (UUPG) and wrestles with the question of why following Jesus into the unknown to difficult places is not only worth it, but worth pursuing.