The Send Residency Application is now open for 2025-2026! You might be asking, what is the Send Residency? Well, the Send Residency is a program where we want to invest in YOU through learning cohorts, hands-on ministry, leadership development, and missional experience. Have questions if this is the right step for you? Email and we would be happy to walk with you.
An ideal candidate is one who is experiencing a call to devote their lives to the mission of God and has a desire to learn and grow from a gospel-centered, multi-ethnic, missional sending, multiplying church.
We believe that it is our responsibility and privilege to train up leaders who will be sent out to expand the mission of God in other places as missionaries, church planters, mobilizers, and church planting teams.
The SEND Residency is an 9-month program set in a vibrant, intentional learning environment, to grow residents as disciples who understand their role in participating in the expansion of the mission of God.