Leader Resources

Fielder Students

Leader Resources

Click through each tab on the left to find the material you need!


Do you have a desire to help students be obedient to Christ? Do you want to be part of the incredible work the Lord is doing at Fielder Church? Then join us as we shepherd students toward becoming send-ready by the time they graduate.


The vision of Fielder Students is to partner with Families in raising a generation of Students who inhale the personal message of the gospel, exhale the gospel to the world, and make disciples who are send-ready! We want students to be equipped to go wherever God leads them with a desire to join His mission as He works in our world.

Here at Fielder Students, there are several leadership opportunities. From helping with Leadership Support to leading Small Groups and helping with Big Events, there is a place in Fielder Students for you. For more information about applying for these positions, please see the Student Leader Handbook at the top of the page.

Small Group Leader

Every Sunday Morning from 9:30 to 10:45am (Pioneer and South Oaks) and 11:00 to 12:15pm (Grand Prairie, students and leaders gather at each respective campus for Sunday Morning Gathering. At these gatherings, there is a short teaching coupled with students breaking out into small group discussions. One opportunity to serve in the Student Ministry is to serve on Sunday Mornings as a small group leader. The Student Team provides training on how to lead a small group discussion and provides the discussion material and guide to every leader 3 days in advance.

Discipleship Group Leader

One way for our students to grow deeper in their faith is to experience personal discipleship in a D-group setting. DGroups are groups that consist of 1 leader and 3-4 participants. DGroups challenge students to take responsibility in living out their faith by focusing on Intentional Learning, Accountability, and Prayer.

Serve Opportunities

In the Student Ministry at Fielder, we encourage our students to step up and serve in various capacities within the ministry. In order to facilitate this, we have several Student Serve Roles. We have the Connect Team, Tech Team, Announcements Team, and Games/Setup Team. We would love leaders to step in and serve by leading these various teams of students as they are serving


We know that there are some leaders who have a ton of experience in student ministry, teaching, and/or counseling. The Student Team is looking for leaders who want to serve in the Student Ministry as coaches. Instead of shepherding students directly, members of this team will focus on shepherding our leaders so that our leaders can even further shepherd our students.


The Student Team would love it if we had some leaders who would be willing to open their homes to host students for game nights, community group meetings, parties, etc. This would help tremendously with students building relationships with their peers, further building community within the ministry.

Event Support

At Fielder Students, we host several big events every year. From Camp to HouseLife and everything in between, we need leaders who are willing to be leaders in various capacities during these big events. During these events, one can serve as a small group leader, prayer counselor, leadership support, and logistical support, amongst other things.


Below you will find several different trainings that Fielder Church has available for you!

Confessing Sin Response Counseling

Salvation Response Counseling

Baptism Brochure

Baptism Response Counseling

What is Trauma

We want to provide some great resources for you as you walk with your students. Axis is a great resource for parents and youth workers providing articles and studies from a biblical worldview. Please note that we do not endorse all links included in the articles. We hope that it provides a starting place for difficult conversations students might be wrestling through.

Axis Parent Pornography Guide