Easter Sunday
April 20
Each Campus
Here are several ways for you to get connected with other women through serving together or meeting regularly as a part of a group!
Community Groups are committed groups of Christ-followers who regularly inhale and exhale the Gospel.
You were made for community! God never intended for you to walk the Christian life alone. Join or start a community group to develop life-long gospel-centered friendships as you pursue Jesus together.
Have Questions? Here’s who to contact at each campus!
D-Groups are close groups (3-5 people) who meet regularly to live a life that follows Jesus example and make disciples who make disciples.
Several Types of D-groups are available
Contact Chance Coleman to get connected to a D-group at ccoleman@fielder.org.
Through prayer, we depend on the Spirit’s promptings & leading to advance His kingdom & grow His church. Join a prayer ministry or prayer initiative, to pray alongside other women.
Learn more about prayer at Fielder Here.
We send teams around the world to come alongside local church planters as they transform their community with the gospel. Trips could include prayer walking, evangelism opportunities, disaster relief, or other needs that the partner may have. Serving the Lord on a short-term trip is a great way to connect with other women.
View Current Mission Trips Here
Learn more about other ways to be sent Here
Contact Angela Kwak or Richard Mckay to learn more.
A great way to connect with other women is to serve alongside each other – especially with children & students!
There is a great need for women to serve in all age-graded ministries.
Learn more about Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry, and College Ministry.
Sign up to serve – Here
Contact Lezlie Lewis with any questions.
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm – 8 pm | Pioneer Campus B200
Would you rate your marriage as a 2 or a 10? Re|Engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect and can benefit marriages in any condition. Whether you’re struggling to get along, your marriage is completely broken, or you simply want to grow closer as a couple.
Contact Dorothy Stapleton with questions.
There are so many ways for you to serve alongside other women through missions! Learn about on-going events & outreach opportunities and take your next step in exhaling the gospel together with other women!
A great way to connect with other women is to serve alongside each other! Use the gifts and abilities the Lord gave you to be radically generous with your time and invest in your local church!
Where can you serve?
Sign up to serve Here