Fishers of Men
Helping you make disciples
Fishers of Men Curriculum Sessions
In the drop-down section below, you will find the curriculum and meeting flow for each D-Group session for Fishers of Men. The purpose of this curriculum is to help your disciples practice what it would look like to take their faith and use it to pour into others.
Today’s Session
In this first session, you’ll spend time getting to know each other. Here’s an outline of what to expect:
- Review the Discipleship Group purpose and guidelines below.
- Share your faith story.
- Pray for one another.
- Plan your next meeting.
The purpose of the Discipleship Group is simple: because of the love that God has for us, we respond to that love by learning what it means to grow in deeper obedience to Jesus. We do this so we can inhale the Gospel, exhale the Gospel, and make disciples who do the same. This is who we are called to be as followers of Jesus here at Fielder Church, but what does that look like in a D-Group setting?
Inhale the Gospel: D-Groups give you a setting where other followers of Jesus are holding you accountable to reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, and practicing spiritual disciplines. Whether your walk with Jesus started yesterday or decades ago, learning how to Inhale the Gospel through teaching, vulnerable accountability and practice with others will be important for as long as you live!
Exhale the Gospel: The goal for D-Groups is that you would not just take in new information about God and what it means to obey him, but that you would take all that you have learned and walk in faithfulness outside of the group time. Through intentional learning, having a space to practice, watching a leader model something for you, and having clear action steps after each D-Group meeting, you will become a person that Exhales the Gospel often. Your life will change because of this and the lives of the people around you will change because of how the Spirit moves through you.
Make Disciples Who Do the Same: Jesus’ command at the end of Matthew to those who were following him was to make disciples of all nations. At Fielder church, we believe that every follower of Jesus has received this command. You don’t have to be a pastor or a minister to make disciples. D-Groups set you up to take what God has taught you and share that with others.
This is who we are as Fielder Church, but more importantly, this is who God has called us to be as followers of Jesus Christ. Learning how to Inhale the Gospel, Exhale the Gospel, and Make Disciples who do the same isn’t a one-and-done program, but a life-long process that God is inviting you into. D-Groups help you step into this process with other followers of Jesus who also desire to grow in likeness and obedience to him.
Now that you know why we’re here, let’s explore what this group will practically look like!
General Guidelines
The four major values in the D-Groups are authenticity, teachability, confidentiality, and dedication. During the DG experience, each person is asked to make a commitment to live by these values.
- Every person must choose authenticity over comfort. The more real you are, the more you give God space to deal with areas of growth in your life.
- Every person must choose teachability over self-confidence. The more you approach this thinking you have the answers, the less you will see your need to change (and consequently, the less you will!). Our goal is to be teachable during this process, giving God space to let us shape each other.
- Confidentiality – What is said during the meeting stays in the meeting. If this guideline is breached, authenticity suffers. (PLEASE NOTE: This is not true if you suspect somebody is in danger of harming themselves or others or if a crime has been committed.)
- Dedication—Due to the nature of the D-Group experience, each person must dedicate themselves to praying for each other, following all the agreed-upon action steps, preparing for each meeting in advance, and making attendance at the meetings a priority.
Fishers of Men Curriculum
When Jesus called his disciples, he told them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). As disciples of Jesus ourselves, that same calling is given to us. For the next 8 weeks, you and your D-Group will go through Fielder’s Fishers of Men curriculum to learn how to obediently follow Jesus’ command, see people as he does, and pursue them like he would. The Discipleship Team pastors have two big hopes for you as you go through this curriculum:
- Our first hope is that you will continue to grow a heart for people who don’t yet know Jesus and learn tools that will grow your confidence and capability in reaching them. This will be especially helpful leading up to April’s Serve the City, where you will be reaching your neighbors!
- Our second hope is that this will give you a foundation of what D-Groups are supposed to look like at Fielder Church moving forward, no matter what content you and your future groups decide to use. Whether it’s a different Fielder D-Group curriculum, a RightNow Media series, a book study, or you simply talk over what God is teaching you through your daily Bible reading! You can use the framework you learn here and replicate it as you continue your discipleship journey once this Spring ends.
There will be 8 sessions, including this one:
Week 1 – Introduction
Week 2 – How To Share Your Testimony
Week 3 – Seeing The Harassed And Helpless
Week 4 – Praying For The Lost
(Week off for Spring Break)
Week 5 – How To Get Into Gospel-Conversations
Week 6 – Gospel Sharing Tools
Week 7 – Review
Week 8 – Say So celebration
From the newest converts to the most seasoned saints, we all need accountable relationships with people who can help us find freedom in sin through confession and come alongside us as we follow our next steps of obedience to Jesus.
This is why the foundation of every D-Group meeting are these 6 accountability questions:
- What is Jesus inviting you to confess? (Take time to declare the truth of forgiveness over one another).
- Who is Jesus inviting you to forgive or be reconciled with?
- How is Jesus inviting you to become more like him? (based on scripture reading, memorization, curriculum, sermon, etc.)
- What is the next step of obedience he is inviting you to take?
- Who will you share what God has been teaching you with?
- How can the group support you in this?
These questions are meant to draw you closer to Jesus by giving you a space to confess and repent of sin, to discuss what God has been teaching you since the last D-Group meeting, and to have your fellow D-Group members come alongside you in support and guidance.
Answer these questions every D-Group session so that what you learn from the Lord does not stay in your head but becomes a part of your life.
D-Group Extras
This curriculum is not meant to be all-encompassing for everything you need to be a healthy Christian but a tool you can use in tandem with other tools to grow as a disciple who makes disciples. On top of this curriculum, you should also be using the below resources to make sure that you are as healthy as possible:
Bible Memorization tools
- Writing scripture on our hearts helps us flee temptation, minister to people better, and grow more in love with Jesus. Find a scripture memorization tool that your group likes and commit to memorizing scripture throughout your time together.
Community Groups
- Community Groups give you an opportunity to form a family of believers that you can serve with, pray with, pursue non-believers with, and connect with in a different way than Discipleship Groups. Discipleship is done best in the context of community! Sign up for a Community Group here!
- As you grow in being a disciple, finding opportunities to live out what you are learning is extremely beneficial to your growth. There are plenty of areas to serve within Fielder and countless ways to serve in our local community to help you walk in obedience to Christ.
Bible Reading Plan
- Since the purpose of being in a D-Group is to grow in more obedience and likeness to Christ, then spending time with Him through the Word is essential to your growth. We encourage you to start a Bible reading plan with your group to hold each other accountable to spending time with Jesus through scripture and help one another understand the commands and promises that God is speaking over you. You can find Bible reading plans on the Fielder Website by clicking here!
Facilitate Leadership
After the first few sessions, you should begin to rotate the facilitator of each session to give each person in the group a chance to lead. Each of you will be asked to eventually lead a Discipleship Group once you have gone through the Discipleship Cycle.
Once you go through the Discipleship Cycle, or when the shepherd of the group recommends, you should begin to lead 3 new people through a D-Group of your own.
Faith Stories
Before you dive deeper into curriculum or accountability, it’s a good idea to start by getting to know one another better! The most important thing about each of you is how God has brought you from death to life and called you deeper into His will since then.
By beginning with testimonies, you better understand each other and know how best to love one another. Since you have a deeper understanding of the sin and darkness in each group member’s past, and you understand what God has been doing in each of your lives since He brought each heart from death to life, you can help each other continue to walk in obedience to Jesus and grow into His likeness. Spend the rest of your time having each person share their testimony. Allow plenty of time to share personal details of these are new stories. We will focus on shorter testimonies for evangelistic tools next week.
If you have never shared your testimony before or have never learned a method that helps you stay focused on the important details of your walk with the Lord, we have a tool for you! To help you stay focused on succinctly sharing your testimony, take turns sharing your faith story using the outline below:
(5 min) What life was like before Jesus was Lord of your life?
- Focus on a couple of “mountain peak” and “valley” moments in your life that God used to show you your need for him
- Even if you grew up in a Christian home, there should be a moment where Jesus became the one sitting on the throne of your life instead of you. Describe what that “before time” was like!
(5 min) Why did you follow Jesus as Lord and Savior?
- What were the events surrounding your acceptance of Him as your personal Savior and Lord
- How were you introduced to Jesus Christ?
(5 min) What has life been like since your surrender to Jesus as Lord?
- How have you grown spiritually since you started following Jesus?
- What sin/disobedience are you still wrestling with?
- What God is doing in you at the moment?
- Everyone shares one area where you ask God to move in your life. Try sharing the truth you know about God that gives you faith that He will move.
- After each person shares, the group should pray for them.
Homework for Next Week
- We will be focusing on How To Share Your Testimony
- Watch How to Share Your Story.
- Read and study Acts 9:1-19, 26:4-23 every day this week.
- Note – We read the incredible testimony of transformation in Paul’s life and his telling about his conversion before Agrippa. We see that the actions in Paul’s life were confirmed because of his transformation in Christ. You may have heard, “I witness through my actions.” Your actions are the result of your transformation, not the testimony of your transformation. Your testimony must include words. We do not see an instance in the Bible where someone came to faith in Jesus because of someone’s actions. They were always told about Christ.
- Read I Peter 3:15; Note – It is one thing to know the apologetics of Christianity: why you believe what you believe about Christ, historical facts/evidence of Christ, and why we say He was the Christ. It is another thing to share personally how Christ has transformed you. Peter tells us to always be ready to make a defense (apologetics) to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you (testimony).
- Next week we will be practicing your story in an evangelistic manner. This is a short version, so practice writing yours out as homework!
- Record what stands out to you.
- Memorize together: 1 John 5:11-12
Opening Prayer Time
- How can we pray for you?
- During this time, don’t focus on the prayer needs of others in your life; we want to pray for you.
Opening Accountability/Confession
- What is Jesus inviting you to confess to become more like him? (Take time to declare the truth of forgiveness over one another).
- Who is Jesus inviting you to forgive or be reconciled with?
- Feel free to spend time asking the Lord to reveal areas, praying forgiveness over each other, or inviting Jesus to help us forgive some people
Content Review
Review these resources with your disciples (homework):
We will be focusing on How To Share Your Testimony
- Discuss How to Share Your Story.
- Read and study Acts 9:1-19, 26:4-23 every day this week.
- Note – We read the incredible testimony of transformation in Paul’s life and his telling about his conversion before Agrippa. We see that the actions in Paul’s life were confirmed because of his transformation in Christ. You may have heard the phrase, “I witness through my actions.” Your actions are the result of your transformation, not the testimony of your transformation. Your testimony must include words. We do not see an instance in the Bible where someone came to faith in Jesus because of someone’s actions. They were always told about Christ.
- Read I Peter 3:15
- Note – It is one thing to know the apologetics of Christianity: why you believe what you believe about Christ, historical facts/evidence of Christ, and why we say He was the Christ. It is another thing to share personally how Christ has transformed you. Peter tells us to always be ready to make a defense (apologetics) to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you (testimony).
- Write out your testimony before group and be ready to share!
- Record what stands out to you.
- Practice together: 1 John 5:11-12
Here is the intentional learning material for the on-campus time:
- We cannot discredit our actions as part of our testimony. It is the outcry of our transformation. Our actions can and should lead to a conversation. Read 1 John 3:18 together.
- Your testimony (story) is part of God’s greater story of redeeming the world to Himself.
- Our testimony is one of the simplest and strongest witnessing tools that we have to share the gospel.
- The best part of a testimony is that each one is unique because each of us has a story to tell of how we have been transformed by the gospel. It probably isn’t as dramatic as Paul’s story but that doesn’t mean it isn’t any less powerful or transformative.
How is Jesus inviting you to become more like him? (based on scripture reading, memorization, curriculum, sermon, etc.)
Model and Practice
As we share, remember that one of the best parts of a testimony is that each one is unique because each of us has a story to tell about how we have been transformed by the gospel. It probably isn’t as dramatic as Paul’s story, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t any less powerful or transformative.
- Acts 26:4-21 is Paul’s testimony. It is broken up into three sections
- His life before Christ (v.4-5)
- How he encountered Christ (v.12-15)
- How his life has changed after accepting Christ (v.19-21)
Share your testimony with the group and note the distinction sections.
- Life before Christ
- What was your life like before you heard the gospel?
- Encountering Christ
- Why did Jesus make a big difference in your life? What happened to lead to a changed life in Christ? Who told you about Christ?
- Life changes after Christ
- What has your life been like since you decided to follow Christ? Where has your life been since you have been transformed?
- Share your testimony in less than three minutes. This may mean that you need to trim and summarize some areas to get it under three minutes.
- Share what you have written down and be open to critique and suggestions about your testimony.
Action Steps and Prayer
- What is the next step of obedience he is inviting you to take?
- Who will you share what God has been teaching you with?
- How can the group support you in this?
Homework for Next Week
Watch – The Way of The Shepherd Sermon
- Note: We need to become more like Jesus as a good shepherd who sees the harassed and helpless. We have a few obstacles. We are so accustomed to hurting, personally and corporately, that we don’t see the need.
Memorize Matthew 9:36
- Spend some time this week asking to have eyes like Jesus. Ask for increased compassion or eyes for hurting.
Matthew 9:36, John 10:1-21, Ezekiel 34
- Note: We have been abused by bad shepherds both personally and spiritually so much that we may see it as normal. God’s people did for centuries, which might still be true today.
Opening Prayer Time
- How can we pray for you?
- During this time, don’t focus on the prayer needs of others in your life; we want to pray for you.
Opening Accountability/Confession
- What is Jesus inviting you to confess to become more like him? (Take time to declare the truth of forgiveness over one another).
- Who is Jesus inviting you to forgive or be reconciled with?
- Feel free to spend time asking the Lord to reveal areas, praying forgiveness over each other, or inviting Jesus to help us forgive some people
Content Review
Review these resources with your disciples (homework):
- Discuss The Way of The Shepherd Sermon
- Note: We need to become more like Jesus as a good shepherd who sees the harassed and helpless. We have a few obstacles. We are so accustomed to hurting, personally and corporately, that we don’t see the need.
- Matthew 9:36
- Spend some time this week asking to have eyes like Jesus. Ask for increased compassion or eyes for hurting.
- Matthew 9:36, John 10:1-21, Ezekiel 34
- Note: We have been abused by bad shepherds both personally and spiritually so much that we may see it as normal. God’s people did for centuries, which might still be true today.
Here is the intentional learning material for the on-campus time:
- We often need to experience God’s healing power to see that the people do not live in the state God intended. Feel free to share any areas where this is the case with your group.
- We don’t consider others as often as ourselves (see Phil. 2:1-11). Confess ways that this has been true.
How is Jesus inviting you to become more like him? (based on scripture reading, memorization, curriculum, sermon, etc.)
Model and Practice
- First, share how you experience God as your good shepherd in an area of your life that you thought you didn’t even need help in.
- We experience the good news of the gospel in order to do the work of the gospel (Eph. 2:8-10). Part of that is seeing and helping the harassed and helpless. Share who these people are in your lives.
- Spend some time ideating ways to care for those people. Remember, Jesus had eyes to see these people but did not remove them from the world (see John 17:14-15). He cared for them where they were.
- Jesus was obviously not looking at the church, but this is true for believers and non-believers. List people in both camps in your life and how caring for their needs is part of your proclamation of the gospel (for both camps).
Action Steps and Prayer
- What is the next step of obedience he is inviting you to take?
- Who will you share what God has been teaching you with?
- How can the group support you in this?
Homework for Next Week
- Watch – Prayer for Unbelievers video
- Read Luke 10 throughout the week
- This passage represents Jesus sending His disciples out to the whole world. It represents the Jewish idea of a complete number and the idea of the number of peoples in the world (see Gen. 10). Therefore, we can understand that Luke meant this as a model of ministry.
- Pray for laborers: John 4:34-38
- Pray for the Lord’s Kindness: Romans 2:4
- Intentional relationships: Matthew 9:10-12
- Miracles associated with conversion: Matthew 4:17, 23 and Acts 3:6-9
- God’s timing: II Peter 3:9
- Memorize: Luke 10:2
Opening Prayer Time
- How can we pray for you?
- During this time, don’t focus on the prayer needs of others in your life, we want to pray for you.
Opening Accountability/Confession
- What is Jesus inviting you to confess to become more like him? (Take time to declare the truth of forgiveness over one another).
- Who is Jesus inviting you to forgive or be reconciled with?
- Feel free to spend time asking the Lord to reveal areas, praying forgiveness over each other, or inviting Jesus to help us forgive some people
Content Review
Review these resources with your disciples (homework):
- Discuss Prayer for Unbelievers video
- Read Luke 10:1-16
- This passage represents Jesus sending His disciples out to the whole world. It represents the Jewish idea of a complete number and the idea of the number of peoples in the world (see Gen. 10). Therefore, we can understand that Luke meant this as a model of ministry.
- Pray for laborers: John 4:34-38
- Pray for the Lord’s Kindness: Romans 2:4
- Intentional relationships: Matthew 9:10-12
- Miracles associated with conversion: Matthew 4:17, 23 and Acts 3:6-9
- God’s timing: 2 Peter 3:9
- Memorize: Luke 10:2
Here is the intentional learning material for the on-campus time:
- Spend this time this week praying!
How is Jesus inviting you to become more like him? (based on scripture reading, memorization, curriculum, sermon, etc.)
Model and Practice
- Use the 5 prayer points shared from the video and pray the following:
- Pray for laborers (Luke 10:2). Name one person you know, who does not know Jesus, and pray that God brings believers into their lives
- Pray for God’s peace and blessing in their lives (Luke 10:4-6).
- Pray for an association/relationship with them (Luke 10:7) and that you will build relationships with them.
- Pray for miracles in their lives (Luke 10:9).
- Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with them (Luke 10:9b).
- Have each disciple take turns to pray:
- The name of the unbeliever they are praying for.
- Pray that God will bring believers into their lives.
- Pray for God’s blessings in their lives.
- Pray you will build relationships with them.
- Pray for miracles in their lives.
- Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with them.
Action Steps and Prayer
- What is the next step of obedience he is inviting you to take?
- Who will you share what God has been teaching you with?
- How can the group support you in this?
Homework for Next Week
- Watch – Missional Living Wheel
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Reflect on these thoughts and journal about how they may be true in your life:
- People are not scenery or machinery to us; they are ministry that God has called us to love, pursue, and shepherd
- Every person you cross paths with is made in God’s image. They are also people that Jesus came to save and is inviting under His lordship.
- More often than not, the issue people experience isn’t a lack of knowledge of how to share the Gospel but how to actually get into a conversation about it. It can feel awkward to step into that for the first time.
Opening Prayer Time
- How can we pray for you?
- During this time, don’t focus on the prayer needs of others in your life; we want to pray for you.
Opening Accountability/Confession
- What is Jesus inviting you to confess to become more like him? (Take time to declare the truth of forgiveness over one another).
- Who is Jesus inviting you to forgive or be reconciled with?
- Feel free to spend time asking the Lord to reveal areas, praying forgiveness over each other, or inviting Jesus to help us forgive some people
Content Review
Review these resources with your disciples (homework):
- Discuss Missional Living Wheel
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Reflect on these thoughts and journal about how they may be true in your life:
- People are not scenery or machinery to us; they are ministry that God has called us to love, pursue, and shepherd
- Every person you encounter is made in God’s image. They are also people Jesus came to save and invite under His lordship.
- More often than not, the issue that people experience isn’t a lack of knowledge of how to share the Gospel but instead how to actually get into a conversation about the Gospel in the first place. It can feel awkward to step into that for the first time.
Here is the intentional learning material for the on-campus time:
- The Missional Living Wheel is a tool that helps you understand the different kinds of conversations that you can have with your non-believing friends that can lead to a Gospel conversation.
- As a person who believes in the Gospel, Jesus is both Savior and Lord of your life, and now you have the Holy Spirit inside of you; God placed you in the lives of non-believers so that you can share the hope of the Gospel with them. God wants to use you!
- This whole process depends on the Holy Spirit moving in you and in the heart and mind of the person you are talking to, so be prayerful throughout the entire process.
- Going through the Missional Living Wheel can happen in one conversation, or it could take years! Whatever journey the Lord decides to take you on, be filled with the Spirit and willing to break conversational barriers to present people with the Gospel and give them an opportunity to respond.
How is Jesus inviting you to become more like him? (based on scripture reading, memorization, curriculum, sermon, etc.)
Model and Practice
- Break off into pairs. Choose one of the Missional Living Wheel stages and role-play a conversation you would have with a non-believer. Practice engaging in conversation where the focus is building a genuine connection with the person, then try to ask questions that will take you to the next stage of the MLW.
- List some questions you would ask someone in each stage of the Missional Living Wheel. Share why you included each question and how it can lead to the next stage of the wheel.
- List some names of non-believers in your life and list them in the stage of the Missional Living Wheel that you are at with them. Choose one person you listed and share your relationship with them with your Discipleship Group. Ask them to help you devise ways to enter the next stage of the MLW with them, and pray for that to happen.
Action Steps and Prayer
- What is the next step of obedience he is inviting you to take?
- Who will you share what God has been teaching you with?
- How can the group support you in this?
Homework for Next Week
In this session, we will learn two tools to help share the gospel. The three circles is a very effective tool that will empower you to sit down with someone to talk about
- Watch – Three Circles
- Read:
- God’s Design: Genesis 1:31,
- Sin Arrow: Romans 3:23 and 6:23
- Brokenness: Romans 1:25
- Gospel: John 3:16, Colossians 2:14
- Repent & Believe: Mark 1:15b, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9
- Recover & Pursue: Philippians 2:13, Ephesians 2:10
- Watch – OneWish4U
| We are of great value to God, and His one wish is to begin a friendship with us.
| But God seems far away because our sins keep us on the dark side, and He is on the light side.
| God took all our sins and placed them on Jesus on the cross. (See 2. Corinthians 5:21)
| We can now receive God’s forgiveness, take His hand of friendship and go His way, not our way.
- Read: Mark 10:46-52.
- Note Jesus’ question: What do you want me to do for you? The OneWish addresses the needs of the people and allows you to pray for them and share God’s wish for their lives, believe in Him as Lord and Savior, and love and follow Him for the rest of their lives.
Opening Prayer Time
- How can we pray for you?
- During this time, don’t focus on the prayer needs of others in your life; we want to pray for you.
Opening Accountability/Confession
- What is Jesus inviting you to confess to become more like him? (Take time to declare the truth of forgiveness over one another).
- Who is Jesus inviting you to forgive or be reconciled with?
- Feel free to spend time asking the Lord to reveal areas, praying forgiveness over each other, or inviting Jesus to help us forgive some people
Content Review
Review these resources with your disciples (homework):
In this session, we will learn two tools to help share the gospel. The three circles is a very effective tool that will empower you to sit down with someone to talk about
- Discuss Three Circles
- Read:
- God’s Design: Genesis 1:31,
- Sin Arrow: Romans 3:23 and 6:23
- Brokenness: Romans 1:25
- Gospel: John 3:16, Colossians 2:14
- Repent & Believe: Mark 1:15b, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9
- Recover & Pursue: Philippians 2:13, Ephesians 2:10
| We are of great value to God, and His one wish is to begin a friendship with us.
| But God seems far away because our sins keep us on the dark side, and He is on the light side.
God took all our sins and placed them on Jesus on the cross. (See 2. Corinthians 5:21)
| |
| We can now receive God’s forgiveness, take His hand of friendship and go His way, not our way.
- Read: Mark 10:46-52. Note Jesus’ question: What do you want me to do for you? The OneWish addresses the needs of the people and allows you to pray for them and share God’s wish for their live, to believe in Him as Lord and Savior, and to love and follow Him for the rest of their lives.
Here is the intentional learning material for the on-campus time:
- Three Circles stickers – We have three circle stickers available for you. You can also download the app.
- OneWish – We will have bracelets available for you to pick up Tuesday night or you can order it online here.
How is Jesus inviting you to become more like him? (based on scripture reading, memorization, curriculum, sermon, etc.)
Model and Practice
Three Circles
- As a leader, explain the three circles.
- Using the 3 circles (God’s design, Brokenness, Jesus), share the gospel with your disciples.
- Before you are done, be sure to model how to invite someone to receive Christ.
- Have each disciple practice on their own how to share the gospel using the 3 circles.
- Take turns practicing with each other, making sure in the end, they make an invitation to receive Christ.
- As a leader, explain the OneWish.
- Using the bracelet (Diamond, Dark/Light), share the gospel with your disciples.
- Before you are done, be sure to model how to invite someone to receive Christ.
- Have each disciple practice on their own how to share the gospel using the 3 circles.
- Take turns practicing with each other, making sure in the end, they make an invitation to receive Christ.
Action Steps and Prayer
- What is the next step of obedience he is inviting you to take?
- Who will you share what God has been teaching you with?
- How can the group support you in this?
Homework for Next Week
- Ask the Lord to reveal a week that the curriculum is worth reviewing to you. That may be a week that you missed, something else to learn, or could be relevant to the plans He has for you this week.
- Sharing your testimony: Why your personal story matters.
- Missional Living Wheel: Moving from general conversations to spiritual topics.
- Seeing the harassed and helpless: Slowing down to notice the needs of others.
- Prayer for the lost: Praying intentionally for specific people and places.
- Three Circles / OneWish: Practical evangelism tools.
- Record what stands out to you.
- Memorize: Test your scripture memorization throughout the time. Practice and Grow.
Opening Prayer Time
- How can we pray for you/others?
- During this time, feel free to start sharing with neighbors, coworkers, friends, and your neighborhood that God has burdened you with as we prepare for STC.
Opening Accountability/Confession
- What is Jesus inviting you to confess to become more like him? (Take time to declare the truth of forgiveness over one another).
- Who is Jesus inviting you to forgive or be reconciled with?
- Feel free to spend time asking the Lord to reveal areas, praying forgiveness over each other, or inviting Jesus to help us forgive some people
Content Review
Review these resources with your disciples (homework):
- Ask the Lord to reveal a week that the curriculum is worth reviewing to you. That may be a week that you missed, something else to learn, or could be relevant for the plans He has for you this week.
- Sharing your testimony: Why your personal story matters.
- Missional Living Wheel: Moving from general conversations to spiritual topics.
- Seeing the harassed and helpless: Slowing down to notice the needs of others.
- Prayer for the lost: Praying intentionally for specific people and places.
- Three Circles / OneWish: Practical evangelism tools.
- Record what stands out to you.
- Memorize: Test your scripture memorization throughout the time. Practice and Grow.
Here is the intentional learning material for the on-campus time:
- Reiterate discipleship’s foundation in Matthew 4:19: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Emphasize surrender, sacrifice, and modeling Jesus’ love.
- Go over the opportunity that Serve the City offers for us to practice what we have learned.
- Go over how STC also gives us the opportunity to disciple others in these areas practically.
How is Jesus inviting you to become more like him? (based on scripture reading, memorization, curriculum, sermon, etc.)
Model and Practice
- As a leader, share how we can be fishers of men through this STC opportunity
- Specifically share examples of how you plan to equip people in your group to do the work of the ministry (see. Eph 4:12).
- Will your group be prayer-walking neighborhoods?
- Will you be planning to host a block party to meet neighbors?
- Will your group be intentional with Easter invitations?
- And share examples of how you plan on using these tools practically this coming weekend.
- Walk the group through a review of each area that they learned.
- Help them identify areas that have been strengthened and that they can pass on to other believers, possibly using STC as an opportunity to that (See 2 Tim. 2:2) or to utilize these tools to see new people come to faith (Matthew 28:19-20).
- Help them identify areas where growth hasn’t happened yet and find times and opportunities to grow in those areas.
Action Steps and Prayer
- What is the next step of obedience he is inviting you to take?
- Who will you share what God has been teaching you with?
- How can the group support you in this?
Homework for This Session
- Reflect on what God has done in your life and be ready to share if He leads in the Say So week