Foster Care and Adoption

Fielder Foster Care & Adoption

The Fielder Foster Care & Adoption Ministry exists to lead, shepherd, and equip our members to exhale the gospel by relieving children through foster care & adoption.

As followers of Christ, we’re compelled by the gospel to pursue and care for the orphan and vulnerable children here in our city and around the world. We want to help families walk in obedience to what the Lord has called them to step into.


We are here to help support you on this amazing journey! Always feel free to reach out if there are ways we can serve & support you.

Foster & Adopt

Are you interested in learning more about bringing a child into your home through foster care & adoption? We’d love to talk with you & shepherd you through the process!


We want to come alongside you as your church family and pray for your needs. How can we pray for you?


There are several ways you can serve foster and adoptive families – in our church and community! Whether through making foster care first night bags for kids entering the foster care system, taking a meal to a family, or becoming a certified babysitter or respite provider. We believe everybody can do something!


Is God calling you to give financially to support the Fielder Foster Care and Adoption ministry? This will go towards foster care & adoption scholarships to help with the cost of adoption, wrap around care for our families, and so much more!

Families in Process

Would you prayerfully consider financially supporting a family in the adoption process?

Schaefer Family
Dickerson Family
McAvene Family
Flores Family
Anderson Family

Helpful Resources!

Whether you're bringing a child into your home for the first time or are navigating post placement, we want to help you every step of the way. We've compiled some helpful resources for you here.

What We Do

Respite Nights

Quarterly events for parents to have a night out!


Foster Care & Adoption specific d-groups for couples or singles.

Family Fun Events

Fun events to promote fellowship & community among families in our church.

Wrap Around Care

Ongoing holistic care for families.

Adoption & Foster Care Scholarship

Because of the radical generosity of our church we are able to provide a scholarship to fielder members.

Stand Sunday

We have the opportunity to have emphasis on the fatherless, vulnerable, birth, adoptive, and foster families. During Stand Sunday we talk about the role the church is called to play and how we are all called to do something.

Meet Our Team

Erin Benton

Foster Care & Adoption Pastor

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