
God’s only plan for the redemption of humanity is the church. There is no “plan B.” Prayerfully in 2026, we will have sent out more than 1400 of our people to plant churches or expand the mission of God in other places and have 100 of our people serving as global missionaries around the world. Join us in this effort by going for a week, summer, semester, 1-2 years, or longer nationally or internationally to learn from church planters what life might look like to join them in the expansion of the mission of God in other places.

Go Short-Term

1 Week-2 weeks. We send teams around the world to come alongside local church planters as they transform their community with the gospel. Trips could include prayer walking, evangelism opportunities, disaster relief, or other needs that the partner may have. This is an opportunity for our church members to get a taste of church planting as well support Fielder's church planting partners.

View Trips

Go Mid-Term

3 weeks -1 Year. We send mid-term workers to come alongside our long-term workers to learn from them, join in on their work, provide a fresh perspective, and encourage them.

Learn More

Go Long-Term

1 Year +. We send long-term workers to exhale the gospel through making disciples, expanding the global church and raising up local leaders.

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Missions Catalog

Meet our Mobilization Team!

Richard M.

Lead Missions Pastor

Clyde Hodson

Prayer Mobilization Pastor

Danielle Clark

Mobilization Associate


Are you interested in serving 3 weeks - 1 year?

Do you desire to serve longer than a short-term but aren’t sure where to start?

Our mid-term mission program pairs you with experienced long-term workers for 3 weeks-1 year. You’ll learn from their expertise, contribute fresh ideas, and be a source of encouragement.

Mid-term is perfect for those seeking confirmation of their calling or a deeper understanding of God by serving. Whether you have a summer, semester, or gap year available, we have opportunities all over the world.

Get started today! 

Take our self-assessment by CLICKING HERE or connect with our Mobilization Pastor, Angela K.

* Financial assistance options are available for those who qualify.


Are you interested in serving for longer than 1 year?

(Fielder Church Lead Pastor, Jason Paredes, and his wife Virgina talking about their time as missionaries & encouraging others to go.)

Step into your call to go Long-Term

Join our long-term mission program and be a catalyst for the nations to know Jesus. As a long-term worker, you’ll have the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, make disciples, and raise up local leaders.

While short-term missions are valuable, long-term commitment offers a the strongest impact. By living and serving among a people group, you’ll form lasting relationships and see the Lord work in greater ways.

Explore These Opportunities:

  • Collegiate Church Planting: Pick mission over mascot by joining a college-based church plant to reach and disciple students.
  • International Missions: Serve overseas for two years or more in partnership with an agency.
  • Fielder Church Planting: Be a part of a domestic or international church plant, leveraging your skills and experience to bring support.
  • Language and Ministry: Teach English to an unreached people group, opening doors for the Gospel.

Get started today!

Take our self-assessment by CLICKING HERE or connect with our Mobilization Pastor, Angela K.

* Financial assistance options are available for those who qualify.

Missionaries We've Sent!

"In the year 2026, we will have sent 100 of our people to serve as global missionaries around the world."

Jeff & Alicia Lee

Skopje, Macedonia

L & L


K & J

East Asia

B & D

SE Asia

Diane Philips

Banff, Scotland

Mike & Arwen Elder


Graham Griffin



SE Asia
