Groups Finder Page

Let us help you find a group

Search for a group by the last name of the leader or use the additional filters to help narrow down your search. Filters will allow you to search by life-stage and campus.

You can sign up to visit a group by selecting a group and selecting the "Sign Up" button on the description page for each group.

Most groups have the initials GPC, PC, or SOC at the beginning of the name of the group. This indicates what campus the leader of the group attends. Fielder Church is one church with multiple campuses, do not let the campus initials prevent you from visiting the group.

Here is how to contact us

If you need additional help please do not hesitate to contact us!



(817) 459-8500

Discipleship Team

Marvin Schaefer

Discipleship Pastor

Chance Coleman

Discipleship Associate Pastor

Maureen Evans

Discipleship Connection Pastor

Carlos Montoya

Family Pastor

Nichole Sostre

College Pastor

Dorothy Stapleton

Executive Assistant