North Arlington Campus

A Message from Carlos Teixeira | Campus Pastor

Welcome to Fielder Church, North Arlington! We want to do whatever we can to be a blessing to our cities, our zip codes, and our neighbors in Jesus name!

My hope and prayer for this campus is that these home gatherings would be gospel outposts in North Arlington that reach people who would never step foot in a traditional church; that they would reach their neighbors and see church as more than just a building. Our heart is that they would BE the church in their community.

I can’t wait to see you and meet you soon!

Learn About This Campus

Click on each tab to learn more!

What does a campus of home gatherings look like?

Fielder Church defines ‘campus’ as a congregation that strategically implements the vision of Fielder Church in a unique context.

The North Arlington Campus will launch as a network of home gatherings.

Each home gathering will have one or more Lead Shepherds that fall under the authority of the Campus Pastor.


Sunday gathering around a meal, in a home, with a time of teaching from the Campus Pastor or Lead Shepherd with a response to the gospel.

  • Discussion
  • Lord’s Supper
  • Prayer

Wednesday night prayer gathering at a central location with the entire network of home gatherings.

  • Worship
  • Prayer
  • Baptisms

*Children’s Ministry provided at both gatherings.

How is a home gathering different from a community group?


  • Strategically implement a part of the vision. (#1, #5)
  • Can meet outside of Sunday and Wednesday corporate worship gatherings.
  • May not practice church ordinances outside of corporate gatherings.


  • Strategically implements all of the vision of Fielder Church.
  • Has corporate gatherings weekly on Sundays and Wednesday nights.
  • May practice some church ordinances within their corporate gatherings.

North Arlington Demographics

North Arlington is a growing, diverse part of our city that we believe God has uniquely prepared us to engage.

Upcoming Gatherings

Join the North Arlington Campus

Is God calling you to join this campus of home gatherings?

Fill out this short form to help us learn more about you! Once submitted, the North Arlington Campus Pastor will reach out to you and help connect you with a home gathering!

Frequently Asked Questions

What will the weekly rhythm of gatherings be?

Will there be additional gatherings outside of the weekly rhythm?

What will worship look like?


Can I join if I don't live in North Arlington?

How will we be resourced to lead a gathering?

How should I minister to children at the gatherings?

What if I have limited seating in my home?

How should I handle pets at gatherings?

What if I have limited parking for people?

Will the gatherings be diverse?

How can I be a good host home?

My spouse and I aren't on the same page to join this campus. What should we do?

Meet our Team

We'd love to answer your questions or talk with you more about being a part of this campus!

Carlos Teixeira

North Arlington Campus Pastor

Addy Rollis

Multi-Site Operations Associate