The Schaefer Family
Dear Friends and Family,
We are adopting! Thank you for partnering with us on this journey to bring a child into our family through adoption.
Conversations about adoption began early in our marriage when we weren’t sure if we could have children biologically. Although the Lord miraculously gave us our two biological children, Vida and Eli, we still felt drawn to adoption and wrestled with a calling to adopt.
As we traveled around the world for missions, we have seen first-hand so many vulnerable children, who are in need for loving parents to step-in and care, and it broke our hearts. We are grateful for the Fielder Church community that has modeled and led us toward stepping into brokenness, compelled by the gospel.
As we fully transitioned to life in Texas, the Lord made it clear that is time to step into adoption. Through Fielder, we found Lifeline Children’s Services and were captivated by their mission to “bring gospel hope to vulnerable children”. After learning more about Lifeline’s wholistic programs, and reflecting at the journey the Lord has taken us through our work as missionaries and the international make-up of our family, we feel compelled to pursue a child through international adoption from Taiwan.
We would love to tell you more about our journey and heart, please reach out to us.
Thank you for being part of this journey!
Marvin, Meagan, Vida, and Eli