Ashley Lopez
Send Resident
Ashley grew up in the one and only Bryan, Texas. Through her parents and church family, she began hearing the Gospel over and over. It was something that she could repeat but did not truly understand. Then one day the Holy Spirit connected what she knew in her head to her heart. God demonstrates his own love for her in this: when Ashley was still a sinner, Christ died for her. She had done nothing to deserve it, yet God still loved and called out to her. Since she first trusted Christ, there have been highs and lows. Yet God remains faithful and patient towards her. Ashley has seen the love and holiness of God in an unshakable way that continues to grip her heart.
Later she attended Texas A&M University (whoop!) where she graduated with a degree in Educational Psychology. During her time in college, the Lord continued to burden her heart to equip believers through the local church. In the fall of 2021, she moved to Fort Worth to begin a master’s program at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
When Ashley began visiting Fielder, she was soon captured by the heart of the church to inhale and exhale the gospel to all people in a radical way. Ashley has a heart for connecting others to the life transformation & growth that is only possible through the Holy Spirit & involvement in a local church body. She is zealous about discipleship and encouraging believers to grow in their love + obedience to Christ.
She’s never seen a sunset that she didn’t love, will make Spotify playlists for every adventure and is always down to hang outdoors. When you see her on campus, go and say hi!
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