Connie Holland
Kids Hope Director
Connie is a proud Native Texan, born in Waco, Texas. Her childhood was spent right outside the city in a very small community, Elm Mott. Being raised in a strong Christian home with both of her parents being very active leaders in the church, she accepted Christ as her Savior at an early age. At the age of 10, they moved to Lancaster, a suburb of Dallas, which she considers her hometown.
After graduating from college, Connie has spent 40 years as a high school educator teaching in the Business Department, with 21 of those years also being spent as a drill team director at Bishop Dunne in Dallas, Grand Prairie High, and Sam Houston in Arlington. When she “retired” from directing, she continued as Department Chair and Senior Class Sponsor at Sam.
When it came to retirement, Connie was conflicted about who she was going to be and what she was going to do to fill her time. She spent several evenings out on her patio praying for direction. After mentioning she was retiring, our Missions Pastor called and said, “Connie, I have the exact fit for your retirement.” As she listened to the details of this new program called Kids Hope, she realized it was quite involved. Her answer was, “I really want to tell you no, but I’m pretty sure this is a direct answer to prayer.” The rest is history. We’ve built a great team of directors with numerous faithful mentors serving the “least of these”.
God has shown Connie over and over how He has this ministry in His hands. He’s also clearly shown her that as long as you are on this earth, He is never through with you. Lives of the children have been blessed while, at the same time, our mentor’s lives have been profoundly affected. She is grateful for this retirement plan He had for her.
In her free time, Connie loves spending time with friends, reading, crafting, traveling, judging for Dance Showcase USA competitions, and spending time at her family lake cabin on Lake Bridgeport with her sister and brother-in-law. Connie and her sister spend hours patrolling the lakeside, speeding around on their Seadoos. Little known facts are she has been on TV several times performing for Dallas Cowboy halftimes as a member of the Tyler Junior College Apache Belles and as a contestant on The Price Is Right! And, yes, she got to spin the big wheel!