Kevin & Rebecca Gibbs
Discovery Church, Seattle, WA
Go on a short-term trip to serve alongside this church plant.
Rebecca and I (Kevin) met in college while at TCU in Fort Worth, Texas, and have been married since November 2013. We adopted our son, Barrett, in December 2016 and consider him God’s greatest Christmas gift! Both Rebecca and I have felt a calling to ministry since college and have loved serving and leading the college ministry at Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas, for four years before pursuing the call to plant a church. I enjoy exhorting and encouraging disciples of Jesus to be all that they can be for the kingdom and using my gifts of prophecy and exhortation to advance the kingdom of God into the darkest areas of the Pacific Northwest.
Rebecca shares the same passion for the kingdom of God in Seattle and enjoys discipling young women and investing heavily in family! In the summer of 2014, the Lord encountered us in a miraculous way as we led a team of young adults to expand the kingdom of God in Seattle. While we originally had no intention of leading this summer trip, God knew what He was doing! Over the course of the summer, we engaged with church planters who were giving everything for the sake of the gospel, and we witnessed a spiritually desperate and dying city in need of awakening and hope. Through a one-on-one meeting with a spiritual mentor, I realized the intense need to plant a church in Seattle. With fear and trembling I left the meeting to tell Rebecca what God had spoken to me, only to find out the Lord had communicated the exact same calling to her at the same moment. Our plans were set!
In July 2018, we made Seattle our home and began building relationships with our community, local business, local government and schools. We have a fully-formed launch team and are set to begin services in September 2019!
Pray for this church plant:
- God to continue to give favor in meeting people who want to join Discovery Bible studies.
- Continued prayer for an associate pastor for Kevin as the opportunities and responsibilities for Discovery are increasing.
- For favor in new relationships with SPU, North Seattle College, Boys and Girls Club and Greenwood Elementary School
- For additional church partners to join in the work God is doing here!
- For the people of Seattle to be transformed by the Gospel.