L & L
L & L serve in Kraichgau, Germany.
“We provide an Oasis of Transformational Sabbath to full-time Kingdom Workers.
Our Mission is to impact all Nations with the Good News through washing the feet of followers of Jesus Christ who are dedicating their lives to proclaim Christ and make disciples among unreached peoples, tribes, and tongues. Giving them the strength and support needed to thrive and flourish where they serve by offering a place of rest and renewal.
Many of these precious workers have chosen to follow the call into the harsh desert places, lands that require significant energy to simply live in. Cooking from scratch, no electricity or running water, poor security conditions, harsh climates, and lands where it is hard to enter and even harder to stay.
The truth is no one can survive in a desert without an Oasis. This is the big calling God has put on our lives in this season.
We Serve followers of Jesus Christ who are actively serving full-time to bring Christ where He is not known amongst their own culture or cross-culturally. Through transformative, competent, and personalized hospitality in a restful environment and through coaching, debriefing, and intentional conversations. So that those we serve are sustainably strengthened and can return to their place of ministry with a higher potential to THRIVE.
Currently, we can host one family unit at a time. The vision is to found an Oasis where we can host multiple families for both short and longer stays. Will you join us?”
Pray for them:
- For the resources and wisdom needed to found and run a nonprofit and to grow in our capacity to host more families
- Unity for our team and that God would call new team members to join us
- For those who come to find miraculous healing and renewal for their next season in the desert. That God would live in the Oasis and meet each soul that crosses the threshold uniquely and unforgettably. That all who come would feel at home no matter their cultural background
- For the transformation of our village through our presence which is soaked with the Gospel of Jesus Christ