Send Residency

What is the Send Residency?

Fielder Church is a gospel-centered, sending church and our pastors, staff, and partners want to invest in YOU through learning cohorts, hands-on ministry, leadership development, and missional experience.

Apply for the Send Residency

The application for the '25-'26 SEND Residency is now open!

What to Expect

Missional Church Culture

Get a behind the scenes look at church leadership, church planting, ministry leading, and mobilization.

Connected with Church Planters & Missionaries

Receive intentional learning from our partner church planters and missionaries.

Trained to be Sent

Receive training and preparation towards missional living in current and future contexts

Commissioned & Ongoing Support

Send Residents are commissioned and sent by Fielder Church, which includes ongoing care, support, and coaching.

Lead in a Ministry Area

Have an opportunity to invest in various areas of our body to multiply “send ready” leaders.

Apply Local Outreach Strategy

Learn how to strategize as local missionaries who map, prayer walk, and engage our community.

About Fielder Church

At Fielder Church, “We inhale and exhale the gospel and make disciples who do the same.” This reminds us that believing and loving Christ fuels us to take action to serve and make Jesus known.

Somewhere between the book of Acts and the modern church, there was a disconnect where churches lost the vision for raising up their people to become the army it requires to reach the world.

This burdened our church to create a systematic process of mobilization to make our church body “send ready.” We want this sending DNA to be reflected in all areas of our body which is why we see the value in our residents serving in various areas of the church staff.

“As I’ve been processing the calling of being a missionary in cross cultural contexts, the SEND Residency has exposed me to a diverse church that reflects the kingdom of God.”
Shaina R., Send Resident

Program Description

The SEND Residency program will require 25 hours each week.

Applicants will choose an area of ministry where they will spend half of their time engaging in hands-on experience!

The other half of their time will be spent meeting as a group for learning and mentorship, engaging the local community, coordinating and serving through outreach and mobilization events, and serving on Sunday mornings.

We have a stipend available for every participant and we will create an opportunity for residents to raise additional funds.

“The SEND residency allows you to explore and develop your giftings in an environment where church staff come alongside and support you in your ministry.”
Todd L., Send Resident

Current Residents

“I am thankful to be around a culture that not only says, but also practices the belief that PRAYER is the WORK!”
Chao T., Send Resident
Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the send residency, Angela Kwak, our Associate Mobilization Pastor, would be happy to connect with you!